What university has the most Jewish students?

A group of students in a classroom.

If you or someone you know are making decisions about post-secondary education next year, you may be wondering where the Jewish students are.

It’s relatively easy to find out which American universities and colleges have the most Jewish students – In fact, Ivy Coach has the rankings for public and private Universities in 2022 (numbers for 2023 don’t seem to be available yet) here: https://www.ivycoach.com/the-ivy-coach-blog/college-admissions/colleges-by-jewish-population/ .

 But what if we focus only on Canadian universities and colleges? We plumbed Hillel’s websites to find Canada’s top 26 Universities by Jewish undergrad population. (“Why 26?” we hear you ask. Because numbers 24 through 26 have the same number of undergrads, so cutting off this list at 25 felt arbitrary.) You can find out more at their website (www.hillel.org) . Use the search function to find information for the school you have in mind.

It’s worth noting that the top 9 Canadian universities are also on the list of the top 60 universities in North America by Jewish population for 2022.

A bit of caution about the numbers: Given that they are identical to 2022’s numbers, we suspect that the there hasn’t been a 2023 update as yet. Use these as a guide, but by all means, look for more information as the year progresses.

Did you know that JewJu Box began with the goal of creating sets of Jewish items that university students would need to live their Jewish lives on campus? Our curated boxes and bags are safe and compliant with residence rules, as there are no open flames, and those with mezuzot include temporary hanging options. They’re designed to be modern in feel and easily stored in small spaces. Best of all, they are reasonably priced – because it’s expensive enough to send a student to university.

 Check out the sets we recommend for University at https://www.jewjubox.ca/shop/for-temporary-homes/university-or-college and give the Gift of a Jewish Home on campus!


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